The 2018 Olympics really put me into an athletic state of mind. I don’t know about you, but I’m showing up in tennis shoes to lunch today! I’m so pleased that the Julie I know has finally come to terms with pairing sporty and chic. Can I get a “HOORAY?!”
Growing up, when it was my dad’s turn to dress us for school, he would always choose skirts with sneakers for us. No matter the temperature outside, his go-to outfit idea for his daughters was sporty-chic lol. Bawling our eyes out early in the morning, we would mumble, “dad has no sense of style whatsoever.” Somehow, we always managed to escape dad’s crazy outfit choices. With mom’s rescue that is. In the mysterious depths of the closet, mom would take out the nicer clothing that made our outfits look more pleasing to us.
Now that I’m all grown up and all, I’m always questioning why we were so afraid to go out of our comfort zone. So what that we’re pairing skirts with sneakers?! We could’ve start a new trend way back when it wasn’t in! Silly us.
Nowadays, my dad is so proud of his sporty-chic style being acknowledged. We both believe that you can still catch a bus wearing a skirt.
Adapting has always been dear to my heart. From moving to new cities and starting new schools to gaining new family members, I’ve learned to adapt to the situation. It’s safe to say that I’ve adapted to the skirt and sneaker situation. I think it’s cute! Bite me.