Josie goes around the sun for the fourth time
Happy fourth birthday to a girl who wants to “never grow up.” No, really, it’s so cute how comfortable you are where you are. You never take beautiful moments for granted and you always wish to freeze time. Growing up makes you feel somewhat melancholy. It might be your way of saying you feel safe and sound in this moment. So glad you have a place for you to take a breath.
Four years later and you still want your milk in the mornings. You always switch between oat and goat. You set up a tiny bed for yourself in the living room. A blanket and a pillow under your head and feet for optimal ergonomics. Every detail is considered in your morning routine. God-forbid there is a miscalculation. Staying clean is also part of your routine. You wash your hands many times a day. You eat pizza with a fork. In addition, you always have a napkin within reach.
You might seem so grown up and mature to others but you’re still our baby girl. We see a silly face when the rest are met with a serious look. We get to know what’s really going on in your head when it’s silent to the rest of the world. We get to experience your sense of humor firsthand. Thanks for all the laughs.
This is your second year of being a sister to a little girl. After each fight, you two manage to find a way to reconnect with endless hugs and kisses. Together you guys are unbeatable making mom do whatever you wish. You’re so good at what you do! I love that you get to be an example to someone younger than you. I hope you always see this responsibility as a blessing.
Josephine, you’ll always be my baby girl. Your age doesn’t change who you are to me. Although it is bittersweet to see you grow up, I am happy for you and your decisions. You haven’t made lots of them yet, but I can tell where you’re heading. Straight to God’s arms you go. You do not go a day without talking about Jesus. He is your source of life. You always have Him near enough to whisper a prayer. God loves you very much! May He always live in your heart. We love you so much, baby girl❤️❤️